Annual Report 2016 - QL Resources Sdn Bhd - page 138

QL Resources Berhad (428915-X)
32. Related parties (Cont’d)
Significant related party transactions (Cont’d)
The key management personnel compensation are as follows:
Group Company
2016 2015 2016 2015
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Directors of the Company
- Fees 1,300 1,279 854 867
- Remuneration 11,055 9,468 7 11
- Other short-term employee benefits
(including estimated monetary
value of benefits-in-kind) 111 117 - -
12,466 10,864 861 878
Directors of subsidiaries
- Fees 477 351 24 24
- Remuneration 9,998 8,907 - -
- Other short-term employee benefits
(including estimated monetary
value of benefits-in-kind) 184 104 - -
10,659 9,362 24 24
23,125 20,226 885 902
33. Subsidiaries
The principal activities of the subsidiaries and the interest of QL Resources Berhad are as follows:
Name of company Principal activities 2016 2015
% %
QL Feedingstuffs Sdn. Bhd. Investment holding, provision of 100 100
and its subsidiaries management services
QL Agrofood Sdn. Bhd. Processing and sale of animal feeds, 100 100
trading of raw materials for animal
feeds, lubricants and foodstuffs
QL Agroventures Sdn. Bhd. Layer and broiler farming 100 100
QL Agrobio Sdn. Bhd. Commercial production and supply of 51 51
biologically digested feeding raw materials
QL KK Properties Sdn. Bhd. Property holding 100 100
Chingsan Development Sdn. Bhd. Property holding 100 100
Notes to the Financial Statements
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