Annual Report 2016 - QL Resources Sdn Bhd - page 21

Annual Report 2016
For the financial year ended 31 March 2016, the group returned
a profit before tax (PBT) of RM249.5 million on the back of
RM2.853 billion revenue.
Comparatively, FY2016 group performance marked an increase
of 5.4% and 1.4% in revenue and PBT respectively against the
financial year ended 31 March 2015. With this result, QL has
retained our uninterrupted growth performance, albeit on a muted
note under a very challenging business environment during which,
the group weathered storms ranging from El-Nino weather effects
to fluctuating currency and poor CPO prices.
The three-pronged strategy that QL embarked on five years ago
is in full implementation swing. We have continued to strengthen
and expand our value chain via continuous investment into
expansion and new facilities both regionally and domestically, as
well as reinforcing existing operational efficiency.
The business models that have proven profitable are being
replicated, not just across the region but also domestically,
especially for poultry egg farms and marine downstream
processing activities.
With our products being a staple for consumers, the consumer
foods sector and brand building is being given a priority. The
building of brand awareness, recognition and top-of-mind recall
will stand QL in good stead as we progress into the next phase to
grow the business further. This will provide clear focus and enable
QL to step up our game in value-added activities, in particular for
our downstream consumer products.
Dear Shareholders,
QL Resources Berhad celebrates our 16th
year as a public listed company this year and
it is once again my honour to report another
year of profitable performance.
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