Integrated Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT (CONT’D) Valuing Differences in Our Diverse Workforce QL recognises that fostering and valuing a diverse workplace is a competitive advantage. It enables us to attract a larger pool of new talents and help retain existing talents. The Group continues to ensure that our human resource practices in particular employment and talent development and advancement are evaluated solely based on merits and without discrimination. As at March 2022, QL has a total of 7,530 employees1, out of which 5,896 are permanent employees and the remainder are contract workers. Of the total, 75.1% (5,674) are locals. QL provides equal employment opportunity as reflected in our 42.3% female workforce We are pleased that the majority of our current workforce is young at 53.5% under 30 years of age. They bring new ideas as well as provide a healthy pipeline of talents to be nurtured into leadership position in the future. The 40.7% of employees aged between 30 to 50 helps provide on-the-job training and guidance to the young pool of talents. The remaining 5.8% are above 50 years of age. Per formance Our Approach Strengthening our human capital management practices and embedding QL’s core values amongst our employees is vital to fuelling QL’s growth and driving our business outcomes. We place strong emphasis on attracting and retaining a diverse pool of talents, developing organisation talents, and empowering key leadership talents. We are committed to improving employee engagement, experience, and interaction. This enables our talents to perform to the best of their abilities with passion and dedication towards creating shared value. TALENT MANAGEMENT FY2022 Workforce by Gender and Age MPM ILF POCE CVS All PILLARS Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 7.2% 46.6% 46.2% 7.7% 54.1% 38.2% 12.0% 52.7% 35.3% 12.3% 51.8% 35.9% 14.5% 58.9% 26.6% 8.2% 67.2% 24.6% 0.4% 24.3% 75.3% 0.3% 23.6% 76.1% 6.9% 42.1% 51.0% 4.8% 39.3% 55.9% Over 50 years old 30 to 50 years old Under 30 years old • 5,200 new hires across all business pillars • Over 106,490 of employee development hours • Commenced the 3rd batch of 28 key talents for the Accelerated Learning Process Programme • 198 employees attended the 7 habits of Highly Effective People programme by Franklin Covey Co; four internal trainers certified to conduct the programme in-house FY2022 Workforce by Gender and Employment Type MPM ILF POCE CVS All PILLARS Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 31.9% 28.8% 30.0% 9.3% 45.1% 22.0% 26.6% 6.3% 48.7% 27.4% 18.0% 5.9% 46.1% 0.8% 51.9% 1.2% 41.3% 16.4% 37.0% 5.3% Permanent Contract MPM ILF POCE CVS ALL PILLARS Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 32.2% 28.5% 30.4% 8.9% 40.7% 26.3% 25.3% 7.7% 50.7% 25.5% 18.5% 5.3% 42.1% 4.9% 49.8% 3.2% 39.1% 18.7% 36.0% 6.2% FY2022 Workforce by Gender by Local & Foreign Employees Local Workforce Foreign Workforce MPM ILF POCE CVS ALL PILLARS Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 32.8% 44.8% 62.1% 67.2% 55.2% 37.9% 32.3% 39.7% 68.2% 67.7% 60.3% 31.8% 32.8% 72.3% 78.3% 67.2% 27.7% 21.7% 33.0% 49.7% 46.5% 67.0% 50.3% 53.5% 32.8% 51.1% 58.5% 67.2% 48.9% 41.5% FY2022 Workforce by Gender by Job Band Management Executive Non-Executive 5 9 5 8 S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T QL Resources Berhad INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2022