Sustainability Statement Sustainability Statement Performance Management and Career Conversations At the start of each financial year, we engaged our permanent employees at the level of assistant managers and above in goal-setting conversations. Conversations are held throughout the year, focusing on the progress of job-specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the support required, and the relevancy of the KPIs. These goals are being evaluated at the end of each financial year, alongside the predetermined factors set in the performance appraisal form. The year-end evaluations start with employees self-assessing themselves, followed by their direct superiors and one-up managers. Alongside the year-end appraisals, we are also conducting career development discussions that focus on employees’ short-term and long-term career goals. All other permanent employees other than the assistant managers and above also undergo the yearly annual appraisal using a performance appraisal form with standardised pre-determined factors for performance evaluation. QL observes a merit-based approach when remunerating our employees. Employees are rewarded according to the company’s financial performance and their individual performance with increments, performance-linked bonuses, and career advancement opportunities linked to the outcomes of the appraisals. In FY2024, we exceeded our training targets. Executives averaged 29.70 training hours which are well above the target of 16 hours per year. Similarly, nonexecutives averaged 21.21 training hours, exceeding the set target of 10 hours per year. This accomplishment underscores our steadfast ongoing commitment to enhancing the skill sets of our workforce at every level. The reporting year has been an exciting year for the ILF business pillar with the establishment of QL Poultry Academy. The QL Poultry Academy was developed to include skills development training programme to drive employees to high level of competence in the poultry industry. One of the key areas of focus for the QL Poultry Academy is to intensify on-the-job training across all farms, spanning layer, breeder, and boiler farming operations. The ILF business pillar has expanded the team with additional resources hired aimed at accelerating the on-the-job training initiatives. These new hires encompass a Training Manager, Trainers, Content Designers and Administrators. Concurrently, the team is actively pursuing the certification of all modules under the Skim Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN), with the goal of cultivating a highly skilled workforce in QL as well as to meet the evolving demands of the poultry industry. Overall, the team has successfully completed the design of all the on-the-job training materials, with a specific emphasis on layer farming. Since the establishment of the QL Poultry Academy, a total of 9,945 training hours have been completed across four-layer farms, averaging of 17.4 training hours per employee. Efforts are now intensifying to extend training to all workers in the breeder and boiler farms, in addition to the ongoing focus on layer farms. Establishment of QL Poultry Academy and Intensifying On-Job Trainings at ILF Business Pillar Occupational Safety and Health • Refreshed and enhanced Occupational Safety and Health Policy • Implemented a group-wide safety campaign over a three-week period • 11% of QL sites are certified with ISO 45001:2018, with QL Kitchen Sdn. Bhd. being the latest site to obtain certification • Deterioration of our safety performance resulting from an increase in LTIFR by 31.5%, mainly by MPM business pillar, and one fatality involving our third-party contractor at our Clean Energy business pillar • 3,480 employees were trained on safety and health standards At QL, our management and leaders are dedicated to fostering a safe and healthy workplace environment. We are devoted to prioritising the continual improvement of our occupational safety and health management, considering it a fundamental aspect of our business culture. Ensuring a safe work culture that safeguards the safety and health of our employees, contractors, and the communities in which we operate, and work is a cornerstone of our commitment to responsible business practices. By ensuring a safe, healthy, and conducive workplace, we aim to prevent injuries and ill-health, which ultimately leads to increased efficiency and productivity. Performance Our Approach OSH Our Occupational Safety and Health Governance Structure Recognising the inherent obligation to ensure a safe and healthy workplace for our people, it is crucial to establish a safety and health governance structure to oversee, lead, and initiate safety and health initiatives, as well as meet our legal obligations across all our businesses. The Board oversees the safety and health management as well as ensures compliance with all applicable regulations, industry code of practices and legislative requirements. Agendas for Board meetings include the review of related safety performance data, significant risks, and other safety updates that are significant to be brought to the attention of the Board, enabling the Board to execute their roles and responsibilities in improving OSH performance and taking preventive actions for any OSH incidents from happening and reoccurring. The Group CEO has the overall responsibility of ensuring the effectiveness of the Board’s oversight of safety and health matters. The EXCO is responsible for group-wide safety and health management, including complying with the relevant laws, rules, and regulations. They are to review the safety and health performance data and recommend safety and health targets for Board approval. They are to ensure that all decisions made and initiatives executed will lead to a safe and healthy work environment. The Group OSH Work Committee is represented by safety and human resources personnel from all business units. This committee meets quarterly to share the safety performance of all businesses and to discuss issues, initiatives and matters pertaining to safety and health at all levels within the Group. Sub-working committees are being formed, led and supported by members of this group to assist on improving focused subjects such as legal compliance, risk management, training, and systems. All operation sites have established their safety committee as required by local regulations, which is chaired by the respective directors, heads of business units, or general managers to enable employee participation in discussions on hazards, risks, safety practices, and improvement needs at their workplace. All employees are to uphold the Occupational Safety and Health Policy and OSH Guiding Principles of WECARE and to comply with applicable laws and regulations in which we operate. OSH Stakeholders The Board Executive Committee “EXCO” Group Occupational Safety and Health Work Committee Site Safety and Health Committee All employees and all parties dealing with us Roles and Responsibilities 11,276 24,981 174,646 Executive 29.70 21.21 Non-Executive Average Training Hours by Gender Total Training Hours by Job Category Average Training Hours by Job Category Management Executive Non-Executive 23.47 Female 20.52 Male QL RESOURCES BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 58 59 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT 5 SEC.