
Acquisition of new subsidiary by QL Feed Sdn. Bhd., a wholly owned subsidiary of QL Resources Berhad ("QL")

Back18 Jan 2010
Date Announced

Acquisition of new subsidiary by QL Feed Sdn. Bhd., a wholly owned subsidiary of QL Resources Berhad ("QL")

The Board of Directors of QL is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, QL Feed Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 547781-V) had on 15 January 2010 acquired two (2) ordinary shares of RM1.00 each of Hybrid Figures Sdn. Bhd. (Company No.879458-U)("HF"), representing the entire issued and paid up capital from Tan Wang Tiang and Ng Lui Keng@ Ng Joo Keng for a consideration of RM2.00. HF was incorporated on 17 November 2009.

The authorised share capital of HF is at RM100,000.00 comprising of 100,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each with an issued and paid up capital of RM2.00 comprising 2 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each.It is a dormant company.

The above acquisition does not have any effect on the issued and paid up share capital of QL and has no material effect on the earnings and net assets of QL Group for the financial year ending 31 March 2010.

The Directors of QL are of the opinion that the above acquisitions are in the best interest of QL.

None of the directors and/or substantial shareholder of QL, or persons connected to such director and/or substantial shareholders has any interest, direct or indirect, in the acquisition.

This announcement is dated 18 January 2010.