Announcement Details :
Our announcement dated 28 June 2010 and Bursa's query letter dated 29 June 2010 refers.
Following are the additional information requested:-
1. The acquisition is for all the assets and undertakings of CV Trimitra Group except for the liabilities of CV Trimitra Group;
2. The partners for CV Trimitra Group are drh Cecep Mochamad Wahyuddin, Atmadjaja Ignatius Judi and Sahid;
3. The purchase price are justified as follows:-
The acquisition is based on the earnings per share of 4.5 times whereas the earnings per share for QL is currently about 15 times;
The potential earnings of the business based on the net income for year 2008 & 2009 of Rp1.34 billion and Rp1.48 billion respectively.
4. As CV Trimitra Group is a partnership hence there are no audited accounts;
5. QL is unaware of any risk arising from the acquisition which could adversely affect the operations and financial of QL Group;
6. As a results of the acquisition QL Group will be able to expand its farming business in Indonesia, which is seen as a growing market for farming business. The acquisition will provide a stepping stone to QL to be an integrated poultry player in Indonesia;
7. No liabilities, including contingent liabilities and guarantees are assume with the acquisition of CV Trimitra Group;
8. The highest percentage ratio is 0.52%, no shareholders approval is required;
9. The original cost of investment of the assets to the vendor was USD115,061.00 and the date of acquisition of the assets are since 2003.
10.There are no transaction with the same related party for the last 12 months;
11. The Audit Committee is of the view that the transaction is in the best interest of the Company, fair, reasonable and on normal commercial terms and not detrimental to the interest of the minority shareholders. The basis of views being it would be a vehicle for QL to penetrate into the Indonesian farming industry.