Internal Re-Organisation Of the Board Composition In Line With the Practices In The Malaysian Code On Corporate Governance As At 28 April 2021 ("MCCG 2021")
The Board of Directors ("BOD") of QL Resources Berhad ("QLRB") wishes to announce that the existing Board composition will be re-organised in the following manner in respect of the practices governing Board Responsibilities, Board Composition and Strengthening Composition under the MCCG 2021:-
Existing position
New Position
Nature of Change
Chia Seong Pow
Alternate Director to Chia Seong Fatt
Executive Director
Resignation and appointment
Chia Song Swa
Alternate Director to Chia Mak Hooi
Executive Director
Resignation and appointment
Chia Seong Fatt
Executive Director
Alternate Director to Chia Seong Pow
Resignation and appointment
Chia Mak Hooi
Executive Director
Alternate Director to Chia Song Swa
Resignation and appointment
The abovementioned re-organisation will take effect on 1 April 2023. The board composition after the said re-organisation will be as follows whereby the Independent Non-Executive Directors represents about 53.85% and the women directors represent about 38.46% of the total BOD members:-
No. |
Directorate |
Number of Director |
Total |
Male |
Female |
1. |
Independent Non-Executive Director |
2 |
5 |
7 |
2. |
Executive Director |
6 |
- |
6 |
Total |
8 |
5 |
13 |
This announcement is dated 28 February 2023.
Announcement Info
Company Name |
Stock Name |
QL |
Date Announced |
28 Feb 2023 |
Category |
General Announcement for PLC |
Reference Number |
GA1-20022023-00039 |