

Back02 Aug 2012
Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
Description Acquisition of new subsidiary namely Merkaya Sdn. Bhd. by QL Farms Sdn. Bhd., a wholly owned subsidiary of QL Resources Berhad ("QL")

Further to the announcement made on 1 August 2012, the Board of Directors of QL is pleased to announce that the purchase consideration of RM1,012,499 was arrived based on

1. The stategic location of the land which are located in between QL's existing two parcel of land and

2. The estimated market value as it is already zone as an light industrial area 

The details of the 4 pieces of land are as follows

Title No.  Tenure NBV @ 30.11.2011 (RM) Existing usage 
CL 105479847 25.10.1917 to 24.10.2916
Vacant land  
CL 105479829 25.10.1917 to 24.10.2916 127,072.00                        "
CL 105479856 25.01.1994 to 24.10.2916 N/A-road reserve  "
CL 105479838 25.10.1917 to 24.10.2916 N/A-open space "

The highest percentage ratio is 0.16%


Announcement Info

Stock Name QL    
Date Announced 2 Aug 2012  
Category General Announcement
Reference No QR-120802-60229