

Back18 Sep 2013
Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS

Disposal of subsidiary by QL Feedingstuffs Sdn. Bhd., a wholly owned subsidiary of QL Resources Berhad ("QL")


Pursuant to Paragraph 9.19 (24) of the Main Market Listing Requirements,  the Board of Directors of QL wishes to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, QL Feedingstuffs Sdn. Bhd. had on 18 September 2013 disposed two (2) ordinary shares of RM1.00 each  representing 100% equity interest in Saga Inovatif Sdn. Bhd. to Chia Chew Ngee and Judith Binti Petrus Pilos for a total consideration of RM2.00.
Saga Inovatif Sdn. Bhd. will cease to be a subsidiary of QL upon completion of the disposal on 18 September 2013.
None of the directors and/or substantial shareholders of QL, or person connected to such director and/or substantial shareholders has any interest, direct or indirect, in the above disposal.
This announcement is dated 18 September 2013.


Announcement Info

Stock Name QL    
Date Announced 18 Sept 2013  
Category General Announcement
Reference No QR-130918-57366