
Change In Boardroom - Dr Chia Song Kun

Back30 Mar 2018
Date of change 01 Apr 2018
Age 69
Gender Male
Nationality Malaysia
Type of change Redesignation
Previous Position Managing Director
New Position Chairman
Directorate Executive

- Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree majoring in Mathematics from the University of Malaya, 1973. - Masters in Business Administration from the University of Malaya, 1988.

Working experience and occupation

Dr. Chia started his career as a tutor and subsequently joined University Teknologi Mara as a lecturer where he served for 11 years until 1984. Dr. Chia orchestrated the listing of QL Resources Berhad in year 2000, now, a multinational agro-food corporation, which encompassed the trading in fish meal and feed meal raw material businesses that he and his brothers founded in year 1985. He is a founding member of INTI Universal Holdings Berhad, which operates one of the leading private university colleges in Malaysia. On 5 July 2008, he was conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws (Hon LLD) by the Honorary Awards Board of the University of Hertfordshire in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the development of business and education in Malaysia. Dr Chia is the Chairman of Boilermech Holdings Berhad, a company listed on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 5 May 2011, which was transferred to the Main Market on 4 December 2014.

Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer

-Father of Mr Chia Lik Khai. -Brother of Mr Chia Song Swa and Mr Chia Song Kooi. -Brother-in-law of Mr Chia Seong Pow and Mr Chia Seong Fatt. -Director and substantial shareholder of CBG (L) Pte Ltd, a major shareholder of QL Resources Berhad

Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer


Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries

Direct interest- 877,500 ordinary shares Indirect interests held by:-

1) CBG (L) Pte Ltd - 682,554,573 ordinary shares

2) Ruby Technique Sdn. Bhd.-837,990 ordinary shares

3) Song Bak Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Attractive Features Sdn. Bhd.) - 5,908,500 ordinary shares

4) Spouse - 4,610,300 ordinary shares

5) Children- 1,815,885 ordinary shares

Remarks :

This announcement is further to the general announcement made on 26 February 2018.


Announcement Info

Stock Name QL
Date Announced 30 Mar 2018
Category Change in Boardroom
Reference Number C03-23012018-00004