Notice Of Bonus Entitlement
Bonus Issue of up to 811,219,129 new ordinary shares in QL Resources Berhad ("QL") ("Bonus Share(s)") on the basis of 1 Bonus Share for every 2 existing ordinary shares in QL held as at 5:00pm on 15 October 2020 ("Entitlement Date") ("Bonus Issue").
Kindly be advised of the following :
1) The above Company’s securities will be traded and quoted “[Ex-Bonus Issue]” as from: 14 Oct 2020
2) The last date of lodgment : 15 Oct 2020
3) Retention Money: Where securities are not delivered in time for registration by the seller, then the brokers concerned:-
a) Selling Broker to deduct <1/3> of Selling Price against the Selling Client
b) Buying Broker to deduct <33.33%> of Purchase Price against the Buying Client
c) Between Broker and Broker, the deduction of <1/3> of the Transacted Price is applicable.
Remarks 1:
"Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd would like to clarify that on the basis of settlement taking place after 15 October 2020 with bonus issue of QL shares, any shareholder who is entitled to receive QL bonus issue shares, may sell any or all of his QL shares arising from the bonus issue beginning the Ex-Date (14 October 2020).
For example, if Mr X purchases 200 QL shares on cum basis on 13 October 2020, Mr X should receive 200 shares on 15 October 2020. As a result of the bonus issue, a total of 300 QL shares will be credited into Mr X's CDS account on the night of 15 October 2020 being the Book Closing Date. Therefore, Mr X can sell the bonus issue shares of 300 on or after the Ex-Date ie from 14 October 2020 onwards."
Remarks 2:
The Bonus Shares will be listed and quoted on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") on 16 October 2020, being the next market day after the Entitlement Date. QL's share registrar is expected to issue and despatch the notices of allotment for the Bonus Shares to the entitled shareholders whose names appear in the Record of Depositors of QL on the Entitlement Date within 4 market days after the date the Bonus Shares are listed and quoted on the Main Market of Bursa Securities.
Announcement Info
Stock Name | QL |
Date Announced | 30 Sep 2020 |
Category | Listing Circular |
Reference Number | ILC-30092020-00005 |