Annual Report 2016 - QL Resources Sdn Bhd - page 163

Annual Report 2016
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Proposed Renewal and New Shareholders’ Mandate for Recurrent Related Party
Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature (“Proposed Renewal and New RRPT
“THAT approval be and is hereby given to the Company and its subsidiaries to renew the
shareholders’ mandate and seek new shareholders’ mandate for the recurrent related
party transactions of a revenue or trading nature as set out in Section 2.2.4 of the Circular
to Shareholders dated 28 July 2016 with the related parties described therein which are
necessary for the Group’s day to day operations, carried out in the normal course of
business, at arm’s length, on normal commercial terms, not more favourable to the related
parties than those generally available to the public and are not detriment of the minority
THAT such approval shall continue to be in force until:-
(i) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company following the
general meeting at which such mandate was passed, at which time it will lapse,
unless by a resolution passed at the meeting, the authority is renewed; or
(ii) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting after the
date it is required to be held pursuant to Section 143(1) of the Companies Act, 1965
(“CA”) (but shall not extend to such extension as may be allowed pursuant to Section
143(2) of the CA); or
(iii) revoked or varied by resolution passed by the shareholders in general meeting,
whichever is the earlier.
AND THAT the Directors of the Company be authorised to complete and do all such acts
and things (including all such documents as may be required) as they may consider
expedient or necessary to give effect to the Proposed Renewal and New RRPT Mandate.”
(12) To transact any other business for which due notice shall have been given in accordance
with the Company’s Articles of Association and the Companies Act, 1965.
Notice of Dividend Entitlement and Payment
that the final dividend, if approved, will be paid on
15 September 2016 to shareholders whose names appear in the Record of Depositors of the
Company at the close of business on 2 September 2016.
A Depositor shall qualify for entitlement only in respect of:
(a) Shares transferred into the Depositor’s Securities Account before 4.00 p.m. on
2 September 2016 in respect of transfers; and
(b) Shares bought on the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on a cum entitlement basis
according to the Rules of the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
Ng Geok Ping
(MAICSA 7013090)
Company Secretary
Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
28 July 2016
Ordinary Resolution 13
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