Annual Report 2016 - QL Resources Sdn Bhd - page 98

QL Resources Berhad (428915-X)
8. Investment in subsidiaries (Cont’d)
Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries
The Group’s subsidiaries that have material non-controlling interests (“NCI”) are as follows:
QL Endau QL Ansan
Marine Poultry Kembang
Products Farm Subur Sdn. Other
Sdn. Bhd. Sdn. Bhd. PT. Pipit Bhd. individually
and its and its Mutiara and its immaterial
subsidiaries subsidiaries Indah subsidiaries subsidiaries Total
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
NCI percentage of ownership
interest and voting interest
29.41% 10.00% 25.50% 36.67%
Carrying amount of NCI 47,290 9,343 67 11,153 11,388 79,241
Total comprehensive income/
(expense) allocated to NCI 10,259 542 1,838 91 (3,696) 9,034
Summarised financial information before intra-group elimination
As at 31 March
Non-current assets 127,465 136,599 198,596 33,463
Current assets 74,996 81,415 13,270 10,417
Non-current liabilities (25,305) (12,970) (711) (8,362)
Current liabilities (16,362) (111,609) (210,893) (5,104)
Net assets 160,794 93,435 262 30,414
QL Endau QL Ansan
Marine Poultry Kembang
Products Farm Subur Sdn.
Sdn. Bhd. Sdn. Bhd. PT. Pipit Bhd.
and its and its Mutiara and its
subsidiaries subsidiaries Indah subsidiaries
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Year ended 31 March
Revenue 166,133 194,109 57,717 23,657
Total comprehensive income 34,881 5,427 7,207 247
Cash flows from/(used in) operating activities 37,037 (16,152) 10,022 (110)
Cash flows used in investing activities (18,076) (23,542) (9,787) (7,933)
Cash flows (used in)/from financing activities (3,014) 35,655 (2,067) 8,121
15,947 (4,039) (1,832) 78
Dividends paid to NCI (2,904) (949) - (564)
Notes to the Financial Statements
1...,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97 99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,...167
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