Annual Report 2016 - QL Resources Sdn Bhd - page 62

QL Resources Berhad (428915-X)
Group Company
Note 2016 2015 2016 2015
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Property, plant and equipment 3 1,372,661 1,239,388 265 322
Investment properties 4 31,033 29,151 - -
Prepaid lease payments 5 58,342 57,508 - -
Intangible assets 6 7,146 6,266 - -
Biological assets 7 129,106 117,014 - -
Investment in subsidiaries 8 - - 667,256 665,456
Investment in associates 9 109,079 94,661 - -
Other investments 10 - 61,560 - 61,560
Deferred tax assets 11 2,980 1,082 - -
Other receivables 12 6,422 5,190 430,345 360,466
Total non-current assets
1,716,769 1,611,820 1,097,866 1,087,804
Biological assets 7 89,346 88,899 - -
Inventories 13 375,251 334,608 - -
Current tax assets 10,586 5,223 - -
Trade and other receivables 12 338,801 306,848 102,038 61,108
Prepayments and other
assets 14 24,453 32,447 1,360 1,803
Derivative financial assets 15 4,942 4,690 3,550 4,682
Cash and cash equivalents 16 249,874 200,733 17,817 23,897
Total current assets
1,093,253 973,448 124,765 91,490
Total assets
2,810,022 2,585,268 1,222,631 1,179,294
Share capital 312,007 312,007 312,007 312,007
Share premium 308,018 308,018 308,018 308,018
Reserves 971,628 806,558 219,823 164,779
Equity attributable to owners of the Company
1,591,653 1,426,583 839,848 784,804
Non-controlling interests
79,241 72,867 - -
Total equity
17 1,670,894 1,499,450 839,848 784,804
Loans and borrowings 18 303,737 326,028 282,177 301,315
Employee benefits 19 2,304 1,666 - -
Deferred tax liabilities 11 76,983 72,058 - -
Total non-current liabilities
383,024 399,752 282,177 301,315
Loans and borrowings 18 469,798 430,963 97,054 83,457
Trade and other payables 20 271,566 238,302 3,390 8,956
Derivative financial liabilities 15 1,306 3,149 - -
Current tax liabilities 13,434 13,652 162 762
Total current liabilities
756,104 686,066 100,606 93,175
Total liabilities
1,139,128 1,085,818 382,783 394,490
Total equity and liabilities
2,810,022 2,585,268 1,222,631 1,179,294
As at 31 March 2016
The notes on pages 69 to 145 are an integral part of these financial statements.
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