Annual Report 2016 - QL Resources Sdn Bhd - page 56

QL Resources Berhad (428915-X)
In addition to the academy training format, internal and external subject matter experts are brought in to present on topical
subjects and give technical overviews to employees. The open sharing of knowledge between farms and management has
been critical to the success of QLPCOE. As a major employer in the poultry industry, we believe that investment in training
and development grows our knowledge bank and leads to gains in market share, while benefitting the wider economy.
Corporate Social Responsibility at QL
QL has been publishing a food and cooking blog on the
internet under the brand QL Kitchen for the past 15 months.
Significant investment has been made into producing
recipes that are freely available for view and download by
all. Recipes cover categories from breakfast and main meals
to baking and party treats.
QL Kitchen’s Facebook page has over 120,000 fans while
the website has had over 2 million page views. The objective
of the page is to offer a service to QL’s customers and the
public at large, providing wholesome recipes that
demonstrate imaginative ways to use the products that QL
sells, across its range of consumer food brands.
As QL proactively reaches out to consumers, providing
complimentary service such as QL Kitchen, we are
cognisant that our share of the consumer foods market is
still relatively small despite QL having surpassed RM5 billion
in market capitalisation. Raising awareness of the
company’s many food brands and marketing products to a
public that increasingly cares about nutrition and nutritional
foods is a priority for the Group. Partnering with Institut
Jantung Negara Foundation (IJN Foundation) helped us
work toward this objective while benefiting a very worthwhile
organisation. Good Heart Campaign is QL’s three-year
commitment to IJN Foundation from 2014 – 2016. QL Good
Heart Campaign achieved the overall three-year pledge of
RM150,000 contribution within a two-year period. The
proceeds raised were for treatment costs for poor and needy
patients, including heart surgeries and purchases of devices.
QL has built the group over the years on the principle of triple
bottom line, a practice that we will continue to pursue in
every of our decisions.
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