Annual Report 2016 - QL Resources Sdn Bhd - page 40

QL Resources Berhad (428915-X)
The Nominating Committee has oversee matters relating to the nomination of new Directors, annually reviews the required
size and the required mix of skills, experience, assessment of Independent Directors, reviews succession plans and,
boardroom diversity; oversees training courses for Directors and other requisite qualities of Directors, as well as the annual
assessment of the effectiveness of the Board as a whole, its Committees and the performance, commitment, ability and
contribution of each individual Director.
The Nominating Committee met three times during the financial year to review and assess on the following:
terms of reference;
succession planning progress;
Directors’ Performance;
Board effectiveness;
Committees’ Evaluation;
Directors’ Skill Set;
the independence of its Independent Directors;
training needs of each Directors;
boardroom diversity; and
appointing additional Board member and members of the Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee.
Criteria for Recruitment and Annual Assessment of Directors
For the assessment and selection of Directors, the Nominating Committee shall consider prospective Directors’ character,
experience, competence, integrity and time availability, as well as the following factors:
industry skills, knowledge and expertise;
contribution and performance; and
in the case of candidates for the position of Independent Non-Executive Directors, the Board shall also evaluate the
candidates’ ability to discharge such responsibilities/functions as are expected from Independent Non-Executive
The Nominating Committee considers and recommends to the Board, nominee(s) for directorship and Board Committee
membership upon assessing the fitness and propriety of the nominee(s) to act as Director/Board Committee member.
During the financial year ended 31 March 2016, the search for potential candidate(s) with relevant experience/skill sets
has been ongoing in meeting the current and future needs of the Company. In January 2016, Professor Datin Paduka Dr
Aini Binti Ideris was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company based on her vast working
experience in the field of veterinary medicine. It is her first directorship in a listed company.
The Company ensures that an induction program is in place for newly appoint Directors. The induction program aims at
communicating to the newly appoint Director, the Company’s vision and mission, its philosophy and nature of business,
current issues within the Group, the corporate strategy and expectation of the Group concerning input from Directors.
The Board had on 25 February 2016 established a Board Diversity Policy, formalising its approach to boardroom diversity.
The evaluation of the suitability of candidates is solely based on candidates’ competency, character, time commitment,
integrity and experience in meeting the needs of the Company, including where appropriate, the ability of the candidates to
act as Independent Non-Executive Director as the case may be. With the current composition, the Board feels that its
members have the necessary knowledge, experience, requisite range of skills and competence to enable them to discharge
their duties and responsibilities effectively. All Directors on the Board have gained extensive experience with their many
years on company Boards and also as professionals in their respective fields of expertise.
In discharging its responsibility on succession planning, the Nominating Committee receives succession planning updates
on the competency framework for the Group. The assessment is focused on competencies and leadership attributes as
well as a pre-assessment work in a case study format. The same exercise is to be rolled-down to the senior management
and middle management. The main objective of the assessment is to assess individual performance against the pre-defined
competency of their level.
Corporate Governance Statement
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