Annual Report 2016 - QL Resources Sdn Bhd - page 42

QL Resources Berhad (428915-X)
The Nominating and Remuneration Committee recommendations to the Board the remuneration framework and the
remuneration packages for the Executive Directors. None of the Executive Directors participated in any way, in determining
their individual remuneration. The Board as a whole determines the remuneration of Non-Executive Directors, with individual
Directors abstaining from making decisions in respect of their individual remuneration. The Directors’ fees are approved by
the Company’s shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of the Company. The Company reimburses reasonable
expenses incurred by the Directors in the course of their duties as Directors.
The Directors are paid monthly fees and additionally for Non-Executive Director, an attendance allowance of RM500.00
per day for meetings that they have attended.
The aggregate remuneration of directors of the Company and of the Group are as follows:
QL Resources Berhad QL Group
Executive Non- Executive Non-
Directors Executive Directors Executive
Subject Directors Directors
Aggregate Remuneration RM RM RM RM
• Directors’ fees 552,000 301,500 998,852 301,500
• Salaries - - 4,553,418 -
• Allowance - 7,500 6,000 7,500
• Bonuses - - 5,765,818 -
• Benefits in kind based on an - - 111,238 -
estimated money value
Total 552,000 309,000 11,435,326 309,000
QL Resources Berhad
Executive Directors Non-Executive Directors
Band (RM) No. of Directors No. of Directors
10,001 – 50,000 - 1
50,001 – 100,000 - 2
100,001 – 150,000 - 1
1,100,001 – 1,150,000 1 -
1,150,001 – 1,200,000 1 -
1,250,001 – 1,300,000 1 -
1,400,001 – 1,450,000 1 -
1,500,001 – 1,550,000 1 -
1,600,001 – 1,650,000 1 -
3,250,001 – 3,300,000 1 -
Audit Committee
The Terms of Reference for the Audit Committee is available in the Board Charter and is accessable from the Company’s
website. Further information on the Audit Committee are outlined in pages 30 to 34 of this Annual Report.
Corporate Governance Statement
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