Annual Report 2016 - QL Resources Sdn Bhd - page 49

Annual Report 2016
Additionally, a press conference is held immediately after the AGM where the Group Managing Director advises the press
of the resolutions passed, and answers questions on the Group. The Chairman and the Executive Director are also present
at the press conference to clarify and explain any issue.
(a) Recurrent Related Party Transactions (RRPT) of revenue nature
The shareholders of the Company approved the Proposed Renewal of and New Shareholders’ Mandate for RRPT of
revenue nature during its AGM held on 27 August 2015.
The Company is also seeking shareholders’ approval for the new and to renew the Shareholders’ Mandate for RRPT
in the forthcoming AGM. The details of the RRPT entered into or to be entered by the Company or its subsidiaries with
related parties are included in the Circular to Shareholders.
(b) Share Buy Back
The shareholders of the Company approved the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy Back Authority during its AGM held
on 27 August 2015.
The Company is also seeking shareholder approval to renew the Share Buy Back Authority in the forthcoming AGM.
The details of the Share Buy Back are included in the Circular to Shareholders.
(c) Audit fees and non-audit fees
The amount of audit fees and non-audit fees of the external auditors, for the financial year ended 31 March 2016 were
as follows:-
Audit fees Non-audit fees
Group Company Group Company
KPMG Malaysia RM1,041,000 RM181,000 RM146,000 RM146,000
Overseas affiliates of KPMG Malaysia RM46,000 - RM152,000 -
Other auditors RM230,000 - - -
The Board has deliberated, reviewed and approved the Corporate Governance Statement on 1 July 2016.
In compliance with Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements, the following additional information is provided:-
During the financial year under review, there were no:
i) material contracts between the Company and its subsidiaries that involve directors’ or major shareholders’ interests,
except as those disclose on RRPT transactions; and
ii) contract of loans between the Company and its subsidiaries that involve directors’ or major shareholders’ interests.
Corporate Governance Statement
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